System.Text.Json in .NET 7 – What`s New? Theory and Practice

System.Text.Json in .NET 7 – What`s New? Theory and Practice

NET System.Text.JSON

System.Text.Json in .NET 7

 System.Text.Json’s has been greatly improved in .NET 7 through the addition of new performance-oriented features and the resolution of critical reliability and consistency issues. Contract customization provides you more control over how types are serialized or deserialized, polymorphic serialization for user-defined type hierarchies, necessary member support, and many other features are all introduced with the release of .NET 7.

Contract Customization

By creating a JSON contract for a given .NET type, System.Text.Json can decide how that type should be serialized and deserialized. The contract is derived either at runtime using reflection or at compile time using the source generator from the type’s shape, which includes the constructors, properties, and fields that are available as well as whether it implements IEnumerable or IDictionary. Users have historically had some limited control over the derived contract through the use of System.Text.Json attribute annotations, provided they have the ability to change the type declaration.

Previously utilized as an opaque token only in source generator APIs, JsonTypeInfo<T> now serves as a representation of the contract metadata for a specific type T. Most aspects of the JsonTypeInfo contract metadata have been made visible and editable for users as with .NET 7. By employing implementations of the IJsonTypeInfoResolver interface, contract customization enables users to create their own JSON contract resolution logic:

public interface IJsonTypeInfoResolver
    JsonTypeInfo? GetTypeInfo(Type type, JsonSerializerOptions options);

For the specified Type and JsonSerializerOptions combination, a contract resolver returns a JsonTypeInfo object that has been configured. If the resolver does not support metadata for the designated input type, it may return null.

The DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver class, which implements IJsonTypeInfoResolver, now exposes contract resolution done by the reflection-based default serializer. By using this class, users can add their own specific modifications to the standard reflection-based resolution or mix it with other resolvers (such as source-generated resolvers).

The JsonSerializerContext class, which is used to generate source code, has been implementing IJsonTypeInfoResolver since .NET 7. See How to use source generation in System for additional information on the source generator. Text.Json.

The new TypeInfoResolver field allows a custom resolver to be added to a JsonSerializerOptions instance:

// configure to use reflection contracts
var reflectionOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions 
  TypeInfoResolver = new DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver()
// configure to use source generated contracts
var sourceGenOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions 
  TypeInfoResolver = EntryContext.Default 
public partial class EntryContext : JsonSerializerContext { }

Type Hierarchies in .NET

The System.Text.Json. class, which is used to generate source code, has been implementing JsonDerivedTypeAttribute since.NET 7. See How to use source generation in System for additional information on the source generator. Text.Json.

The new TypeInfoResolver field allows a custom resolver to be added to a JsonSerializerOptions instance:

public class Temp
   public int i { get; set; }
  public class DerivedClass : Temp
  public int j { get; set; }

The aforementioned code example makes the Base class’s polymorphic serialization possible.

Base val = new DerivedClass();

DerivedClass is the run-time type listed above.

Required Members in .NET

The addition of support for needed members came with C# 11. This enables class creators to select which fields, properties, and reflection serialization should be filled in during instantiation. Here is a brief C# code example:

using System.Text.Json;
JsonSerializer.Deserialize("""{"StudentCourse": 7}"""); 
public class Student
  public required string StudentName { get; set; }
  public int NumberOfSubjects { get; set; }

A JSON exception will be raised as a result of this since the necessary parameter (StudentName) was removed.


Developers can now pass and access a read-only instance of JsonSerializerOptions by making use of the JsonSerializerOptions. static default property Here is some code that exemplifies this:

public class Convert : JsonConverter
  private readonly static JsonConverter s_default = 
  public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter w, int val, JsonSerializerOptions o)
      return w.WriteStringValue(val.ToString());
  public override int Read(ref Utf8JsonReader r, Type type, JsonSerializerOptions o)
      return s_default.Read(ref r, t, o);

Performance upgrades

The quickest System is released with.NET 7. not yet Text.Json. Both the internal implementation and the user-facing APIs have undergone a number of performance-focused upgrades. for a thorough analysis of System. Please refer to the appropriate section of Stephen Toub’s article, Performance Improvements in.NET 7 for more information on the Text.Json performance improvements.


This year, we have concentrated on improving System.Text.Json’s extensibility, consistency, and reliability while also committing to yearly performance improvements.

Extension methods in C#: Consideration of Capabilities and Features

Extension methods in C#: Consideration of Capabilities and Features

C# extension methods

How to Use Extension Methods in C#

Programming requires a person to provide a computer with specific instructions, which is typically a time-consuming operation. We can speak with computers thanks to computer programming languages, but doing so necessitates providing them a long list of directives. For many programmers, extension techniques greatly facilitate this procedure. A programmer can utilize an extension method to avoid having to create an entire method from scratch in order to run the program because it already has the basic structure in place.

There are many different ways to use extension methods in C# programming, and there are some situations when users write their own methods to reuse in subsequent programs. You can use some of the most significant extension methods in the.NET Framework in addition to developing your own if you so choose. Your life as a programmer can be made a lot simpler by combining C# and.NET.

What is an Extension Method?

In the realm of computer programming, extension methods are rather prevalent, and whether a programmer utilizes them in.NET or LINQ, they may accomplish a lot of work with them. In reality, C# is the only program—if not the only one—that naturally permits you to use extension methods with a modicum of simplicity.

Simply said, an extension method allows you to extend a data type in your software. This method defines a static method in a static class in the most basic terms. The first parameter in the method is then identified as the data type that is being extended by the method by identifying the “this” that is put in front of it.

An illustration of an extension method in use may be found below.

.public static class Extensions
  Public static int OneHalf (this int source)
  Return source / 2;

Take note of a few of the program’s main components. The class is named and identified in the first line of the program, public static class Extensions. Take note of the word “static” in the class’s identification. You must ensure the class is static in order to use an extension method.

Public static int OneHalf is the program’s next line (this int source). There are important things in this section of the software that you should also keep in mind. The method begins with this program, which must be static like the class. Additionally, there is the int data type. OneHalf is an integer when used with this enhanced technique.

How Extension Methods Make Programming Easier

public static class ExtensionInt
  public static int OneHalf(this int solution)
    return solution / 2;
    public static int ExponentCube(this int solution)
    return (int)Math.Pow(solution, 3);
    public static int ExponentSquare(this int solution)
    return (int)Math.Pow(source, 2);

The aforementioned techniques show how extension methods can be used to simplify programming. View the aforementioned three approaches. They all solve the same mathematical issue. The first technique divides a number by two. The second technique involves multiplying a number by three exponentially. The second approach does the same task, but takes the integer and multiplies it by two instead of increasing it exponentially by three.

Let’s consider an example where you wished to multiply a value exponentially by 3 or cube it. The new result was then multiplied exponentially by two, and the outcome was eventually divided by two. With conventional programming techniques, you would produce a line of code that was exceedingly difficult. Let’s examine how 25 would traditionally be done in this situation.

var answer = ExtensionsInt.ExponentCube(ExtensionsInt.ExponentSquare(ExtensionsInt.OneHalf(25)));

As you can see from the example above, solving a problem like this requires a lot of nesting. You must make sure that everything is neatly nested together and that it is done in the correct order. If you were to make a mistake, you would need to verify each character in this line of code to ensure that everything still makes sense. Many people make the error of not knowing how many parenthesis are involved in a situation like this.

On the other hand, this line of code would be much shorter if you were to use extension methods.

var answer = 25.ExponentCube().ExponentSquare().OneHalf();

The code above accomplishes the same task as the code you previously saw, but it is much shorter and much simpler to comprehend. If the program makes a mistake, it would be simple to spot as it is so obvious what it is doing. This is the strength of extension methods—they provide you the ability to add functionality to a parameter that you otherwise might not have had. When compared to writing programs without extension methods, your programs will perform considerably more smoothly.

Important things to keep in mind about C# extension methods:

When utilizing C# extension methods, keep the following in mind:

  1. Only the static class may contain definitions of extension methods.
  2. Extension methods should always be specified as static methods, but they will change into non-static methods when they are bound to any class or structure.
  3. The binding argument, which should contain the name of the class to which the method must be bound, should be prefixed with the binding keyword. It is the first parameter of an extension method.
  4. Only one binding parameter can be specified for an extension method, and it must be first in the parameter list.
  5. If necessary, a normal parameter can be added to an extension method definition starting from the second position in the parameter list.
  6. By including the extension method’s namespace, extension methods can be utilized anywhere in the application.
  7. Method overriding is not supported by the extension method.
  8. It has to be defined in a static class at the top level.
  9. Fields, properties, and events are excluded.


  1. The main benefit of the extension method is that it avoids using inheritance to add new methods to the existing class.
  2. Without changing the existing class’s source code, new methods can be added to it.
  3. Additionally, it can be used with closed classes.


Hope this helped you understand what C# extension methods are and how to utilize them. They give us the ability to quickly add additional functionality to an existing type without having to either develop a wrapper for it or inherit from it.

Make careful you don’t misuse it, as you should with other design patterns! Everything has its place. Extension techniques are certainly cool, but they might not

always be the answer to your issue. Therefore, use caution in how and where you choose to utilize them.

NULL in C# and Nullable Types – Explanations With Detailed Examples

NULL in C# and Nullable Types – Explanations With Detailed Examples

Null C#

What are NULL and Nullable Types in C#

 The C# compiler forbids you from giving a variable a null value. As a result, C# 2.0 has a specific feature known as the Nullable type that allows you to give a null value to a variable. You can give a variable’s variable a null value by using the Nullable type. Introduced in C# 2.0, nullable types can only interact with Value Types and not with Reference Types.

To explicitly declare whether a reference type can or cannot carry a null value, the nullable types for Reference Type were added later in C# 8.0 in 2019. This enabled us to address the NullReferenceException problem without the use of conditionals. The subject in this article centers on the nullable types for value types.

A System instance is a Nullable type. T-based nullable struct. In this instance, T is a type that includes non-nullable value types like integer, floating-point, boolean, etc. For instance, you can store null values or values between -2147483648 and 2147483647 in an integer type nullable.

Null Syntax

Nullable<data_type> variable_name = null;

The C# nullable data type is represented by the aforementioned syntax. The term “nullable” refers to the System instance-based nullable type. T stands for non-nullable value types like Boolean, integer, floating-point, etc. in the NullableT>struct. The variable name is assigned a null value and represents the variable’s name while the data type indicates the variable’s data type.

Or you can use a shortcut that combines the data type with the? operator.

datatype? variable_name = null;


// This will result in a compilation error. 
int j = null; 

// True declaration
Nullable<int> j = null; 

// True declaration
int? j = null;

Is There a Difference Between Nullable<T> and ? Annotation?

Both “NullableT>” and “?” are equivalent. ‘NullableT>’ is abbreviated as ‘?’.

The “NullableT>” type is merely a wrapper around the real value, which, unless otherwise defined, will always contain null values. It won’t act differently from the underlying type because it isn’t a new type.

How Can I Get the Value of a Variable of the Nullable Type?

The Nullable type’s value is not directly accessible. If the value is not null, you must use the GetValueOrDefault() function to retrieve the original value. If it is null, you will receive the default value. Zero will be the default value for null.


// C# example program for Nullable Types 
using System;
class Geeks {
// Main Method static void Main(string[] args) { // specifying the Nullable type Nullable<int> n = null; // using the method // output will by default be 0. // value of null is 0 Console.WriteLine(n.GetValueOrDefault()); // specifying the Nullable type int? n1 = null; // using the method // output will by default be 0. // value of null = 0 Console.WriteLine(n1.GetValueOrDefault());
// specifying the Nullable type as syntax // to define non-nullable int? n2 = 47; // using the method Console.WriteLine(n2.GetValueOrDefault()); // specifying the Nullable type as syntax // to define non-nullable Nullable<int> n3 = 457; // using the method Console.WriteLine(n3.GetValueOrDefault()); } }



Characteristics of Nullable Types in C#


  • The nullable type’s values cannot be accessed directly. If it is not assigned to null, the GetValueOrDefault() method is called to retrieve the assigned value; otherwise, the default value of zero is returned.
  • A nullable type can be used to assign a null value to a variable without the need to first establish a nullable type based on the reference type.
  • Nullable types can have values set to them.
  • You may check the value using Nullable HasValue and Nullable. When an object is given a value, true is returned; when an object is given null, false is returned. A compile-time error is raised if the object has no value allocated to it.
  • Nullable types can be used with the == and! operators.
  • The GetValueOrDefault(T) method returns the assigned value or the default value that was set as default if the nullable type is assigned null.
  • The value of the nullable type can also be assigned a value using the null-coalescing operator (??).
  • Nullable types do not support nested nullable structures.
  • Var type is not supported by a nullable type. If nullable is utilized with var, the compiler issues a Compile-Time Error.

How to Determine if a Value Type is Nullable

It is not simple to recognize a nullable value type at runtime. Use Nullable to see if a given instance belongs to a nullable value type, a function called Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(Type nullableType) method.

Returning null from GetUnderlyingType. yields the Nullable type’s underlying type if not.

Apply the extension approach. Use the following extension method to make it simple to check for nullable value types:

public static bool IsOfNullableType<T>(this T _)
    Type type = typeof(T);
    return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) != null;
int? num = null; 
Console.WriteLine(num.IsOfNullableType()); // True

Don’t Use Object.GetType

Never depend on the Object. Use the GetType function to check if a specific object is a nullable value type. Requesting the object An instance of a nullable value type that is boxed to Object by the GetType function. The underlying type is represented by the Type returned by GetType when boxing a value of a non-null instance of a nullable value GetType.

Don’t Use  ‘is’ Operator

A nullable value type cannot be found using the “is” operator. If an instance belongs to the provided type, the is operator returns true; otherwise, it returns false. In contrast, an instance of a nullable value type can either be of the specified type or nullable.

Nullable Type’s Benefits in C#

  • Database applications employ nullable types. A nullable type can be used to assign null values to a column in a database that needs them.
  • Nullable types can be used to represent undefined values.
  • Instead of utilizing a reference type, a nullable type can be used to hold a null value.

Helper Class for Null

Since null has a lower value than any other value, comparison operators cannot be used with null; instead, we use the static class nullable. As a helper class for Nullable types, it is seen as useful. The static class that is nullable has a method called GetUnderlyingType. This function returns the type argument of the nullable types.

Nullable Type in C# Operation

Value types, such as numbers, are examples of primitive data types. Even if they are not explicitly initialized when they are defined, value types are saved in the stack and implicitly initialized to their default values by the.NET framework. For instance, a Boolean variable is initially set to false by default, but an integer value is initialized to zero by default. Likewise, default values are represented by all value types. None of them can accurately represent null values, despite the fact that database applications frequently use null values and that doing so is crucial. Any value chosen to represent the null value may not be within the authorized range for the data type of the value. If we chose -1 to represent null for a value type, for instance, -1 might not be an acceptable value for that data type. Additionally, one must ensure that the value chosen to represent the null value in an application is never used for any other purposes within the application. The nullable type was made available by C# 2.0 to address this problem. The organization of the System. The following are examples of nullable types that can be used to define them:


namespace System
  public struct Nullable : System.IComparable, System.INullableValue
  public Nullable(V value);
  public static explicit operator V(V? value);
  public static implicit operator V?(V value);
  public V Value { get; }
  public bool HasValue { get; }
  public V GetValueOrDefault();

Here, the structure accepts a single parameter, and the letter T stands for value type. The syntax can be used to define any value as a nullable type.

Lifted Operators

The corresponding nullable value type T? supports the predefined unary and binary operators as well as any overloaded operators that are supported by a value type T. When one or both operands are null, these operators, also referred to as lifted operators, produce null; otherwise, the operator calculates the result using the contained values of its operands. For instance:

int? e = 10;
int? r = null;
int? t = 10;
e++; // e is 11
e = e * t; // e is 110
e = e + r; // e is null

If one or both operands are null for the comparison operators, >, =, and >=, the result is false; otherwise, the operands’ contained values are compared. Never assume that just because one comparison (like =) returns false, the corresponding comparison (>) will as well. The example below demonstrates that 10 is

  • neither more nor less than zero
  • nor more than zero

int? i = 10;
Console.WriteLine($"{i} >= null is {i >= null}");
Console.WriteLine($"{i} < null is {i < null}");
Console.WriteLine($"{i} == null is {i == null}");
// Output:
// 10 >= null is False
// 10 < null is False
// 10 == null is False
int? q = null;
int? w = null;
Console.WriteLine($"null >= null is {q >= w}");
Console.WriteLine($"null == null is {q == w}");
// Output:
// null >= null is False
// null == null is True

If both operands are null for the equality operator ==, the result is true; if only one operand is null, the result is false; otherwise, the operands’ contained values are compared.

When using the inequality operator!=, the result is false if both operands are null, true if only one operand is null, and else the operands’ contained values are compared.

If a user-defined conversion between two value types already exists, it can be applied to the corresponding nullable value types as well.

Lets Take a Lot at Some General Examples:

Example #1

A C# program that displays nullable types when variables have no value


// a C# program to demonstrate
// the of Nullable types
using System;
class GFG {
  // Main Method
  static public void Main()
    // a is a nullable type
    // and contains a null value
    int ? a = null;
    // b is a nullable type int
    // and behave as a normal int
    int ? b = 2345;
    // this will not print
    // anything on the console
    // gives 2345 as output



Example #2

To demonstrate the use of nullable, a C# program is used. Method HasValue.


using System;
public class GFG {
  //Defining Main Method
  public static void Main()
    // creating a nullable type for the variable e and giving it a value
    Nullable<int> e = 100;
    // the value of the variable e is checked
    // creating a nullable type for the variable I and giving it a value
    Nullable<int> i = null;
    // check the value of the object




In this tutorial, we first define the idea of a nullable type before learning how it actually functions. Then, we comprehend how various C# programs that use nullable types operate and how their output snapshots are integrated with the programs’ output results.

GTP-4 AI Language Model: Deep Dive Into Advanced Technology

GTP-4 AI Language Model: Deep Dive Into Advanced Technology


All Information Regarding GPT-4

We live in unusual times, where each new model launch dramatically transforms the field of artificial intelligence. OpenAI unveiled DALLE2, a cutting-edge text-to-image model, in July 2022. Stability followed a few weeks later. Stable Diffusion, an open-source DALLE-2 variant, was introduced by AI. Both of these well-liked models have demonstrated promising outcomes in terms of both quality and capability to comprehend the prompt.

Whisper is an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model that was just released by OpenAI. In terms of accuracy and robustness, it has fared better than any other model.

We can infer from the trend that OpenAI will release GPT-4 in the next months. Large language models are in high demand, and the success of GPT-3 has already shown that people anticipate GPT-4 to deliver better accuracy, compute optimization, lower biases, and increased safety.

Despite OpenAI’s silence regarding the release or features, we will make some assumptions and predictions about GPT-4 in this post based on AI trends and the data supplied by OpenAI. Additionally, we will study extensive language models and their uses.

What is GPT?

A text generation deep learning model called Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) was learned using internet data. It is employed in conversation AI, machine translation, text summarization and classification.

By studying the Deep Learning in Python skill track, you can learn how to create your own deep learning model. You will learn about the principles of deep learning, the Tensorflow and Keras frameworks, and how to use Keras to create numerous input and output models.

GPT models have countless uses, and you can even fine-tune them using particular data to produce even better outcomes. You can cut expenditures on computing, time, and other resources by employing transformers.

Prior to GPT

Most Natural Language Processing (NLP) models have been trained for specific tasks like categorization, translation, etc. before GPT-1. Each of them was utilizing supervised learning. Two problems emerge with this form of learning: the absence of labeled data and the inability to generalize tasks.


Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training, GPT-1 (117M parameters) paper, was released in 2018. It has suggested a generative language model that was honed for particular downstream tasks like classification and sentiment analysis and trained on unlabeled data.


Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners, GPT-2 (1.5B parameters) paper, was released in 2019. To create an even more potent language model, it was trained on a larger dataset with more model parameters. To enhance model performance, GPT-2 employs task conditioning, zero-shot learning, and zero short task transfer.

GPT model


Language Models are Few-Shot Learners, GPT-3 (175B parameters) study, was released in 2020. Compared to GPT-2, the model contains 100 times more parameters. In order to perform well on jobs down the road, it was trained on an even larger dataset. With its human-like tale authoring, SQL queries, Python scripts, language translation, and summarizing, it has astounded the world. Utilizing in-context learning, few-shot, one-shot, and zero-shot settings, it has produced a state-of-the-art outcome.

What’s New in GPT-4?

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, confirmed the reports regarding the introduction of the GPT-4 model during the question-and-answer portion of the AC10 online meetup. This section will make predictions about the model size, optimal parameter and computation, multimodality, sparsity, and performance utilizing that data in conjunction with current trends.

Model Size

Altman predicts that GPT-4 won’t be significantly larger than GPT-3. Therefore, we can assume that it will have parameters between 175B and 280B, similar to Deepmind’s Gopher language model.

With 530B parameters, the large model Megatron NLG is three times bigger than GPT-3 yet performs comparably. Higher performance levels were attained by the subsequent smaller model. Simply put, more size does not equate to better performance.

According to Altman, they are concentrating on improving the performance of smaller models. It was necessary to use a massive dataset, a lot of processing power, and a complicated implementation for the vast language models. For many businesses, even installing huge models is no longer cost-effective.

Ideal parameterization

Large models are typically not optimized enough. Companies must choose between accuracy and cost because training the model is costly. For instance, GPT-3 was only trained once, despite mistakes. Researchers were unable to do hyperparameter tuning due to prohibitive prices.

It has been demonstrated by Microsoft and OpenAI that GPT-3 could be enhanced with the use of appropriate hyperparameter training. According to the results, a 6.7B GPT-3 model with tuned hyperparameters improved performance by the same amount as a 13B GPT-3 model.

The best hyperparameters for the larger models with the same architecture are the same as the best for the smaller ones, according to a novel parameterization theory (P). It has made it much more affordable for academics to optimize big models.

Ideal computation

Microsoft and OpenAI demonstrated last month that GPT-3 might be enhanced further if the model was trained with the ideal hyperparameters. They discovered that a 6.7B version of GPT-3 significantly improved its performance to the point where it was on par with the model’s initial 13B performance. For smaller models, hyperparameter optimization produced a performance boost equivalent to doubling the number of parameters. The best hyperparameters for a small model were also the best for a larger one in the same family, according to a new parameterization they discovered (called P). They were able to optimize models of any size using P for a tiny portion of the cost of training. The larger model can then almost instantly get the hyperparameters.

Models with optimal computing

Recently, DeepMind went back to Kaplan’s research and discovered that, in contrast to popular belief, the amount of training tokens had just as much of an impact on performance as model size. They came to the conclusion that more computing budget should be distributed equally between scaling parameters and data. By training Chinchilla, a 70B model (four times smaller than Gopher, the previous SOTA), with four times as much data as all major language models since GPT-3 (1.4T tokens, as opposed to the average 300B), they were able to demonstrate their hypothesis. The outcomes were unmistakable. Across a variety of language benchmarks, Chinchilla outperformed Gopher, GPT-3, MT-NLG, and all other language models “uniformly and significantly”: Models today are big and undertrained.

Given that GPT-4 will be slightly bigger than GPT-3, it would require about 5 trillion training tokens to be compute-optimal, according to DeepMind’s findings. This is an order of magnitude more training tokens than are now available. Using Gopher’s compute budget as a proxy, they would need between 10 and 20 times more FLOPs to train the model than they used for GPT-3 in order to achieve the lowest training loss. When he indicated in the Q&A that GPT-4 will need a lot more computing than GPT-3, Altman might have been alluding to this.

Although the extent to which OpenAI will incorporate optimality-related findings into GPT-4 is unknown due to their funding, it is certain that they will do so. They’ll undoubtedly concentrate on optimizing factors other than model size, that much is certain. Finding the ideal compute model size, a number of parameters and a collection of hyperparameters could lead to astounding improvements in all benchmarks. If these methods are merged into a single model, then all forecasts for language models will be wrong.

Altman added that if models weren’t made larger, people wouldn’t believe how wonderful they could be. He might be implying that scaling initiatives have ended for the time being.

GPT-4 will only be available in text

Multimodal models are the deep learning of the future. Because we inhabit a multimodal world, human brains are multisensory. AI’s ability to explore or comprehend the world is severely constrained by only perceiving it in one mode at a time.

However, creating effective multimodal models is much more difficult than creating an effective language- or vision-only models. It is difficult to combine visual and verbal information into a single representation. We have very little understanding of how the brain functions, thus we are unsure of how to implement it in neural networks (not that the deep learning community is taking into account insights from the cognitive sciences on brain anatomy and operation). In the Q&A, Altman stated that GPT-4 will be a text-only model rather than multimodal (like DALLE or MUM). Before moving on to the next iteration of multimodal AI, I’m going to venture a guess that they’re trying to push language models to their breaking point.


Recent research has achieved considerable success with sparse models that use conditional computing to process various input types utilizing various model components. A seemingly orthogonal relationship between model size and compute budget, is produced by these models, which scale beyond the 1T-parameter threshold without incurring significant computational expenses. On very large models however the advantages of MoE techniques are reduced.

It makes sense to assume that GPT-4 will also be a dense model given the history of OpenAI’s emphasis on dense language models. Altman also stated that GPT-4 won’t be significantly bigger than GPT-3, therefore we may infer that sparsity is not an option for OpenAI at this time.

Given that our brain, which served as the inspiration for AI, significantly relies on sparse processing, sparsity, similar to multimodality, will most certainly predominate the future generations of neural networks.

AI positioning

The AI alignment problem, which is how to get language models to follow our intents and uphold our ideals, has been the focus of a lot of work at OpenAI. It’s a challenging subject both theoretically (how can we make AI grasp what we want precisely?) and philosophically (there isn’t a single way to make AI align with humans because human values vary greatly between groups and are sometimes at odds with one another).


InstructGPT, a redeveloped GPT-3 taught with human feedback to learn to follow instructions (whether those instructions are well-intended or not is not yet integrated into the models), is how they made their initial effort.

The primary innovation of InstructGPT is that, despite its performance on language benchmarks, it is rated as a better model by human judges (who are made up of of English speakers and OpenAI staff, so we should be cautious when drawing generalizations). This emphasizes the need to move past using benchmarks as the sole criteria to judge AI’s aptitude. Perhaps even more crucial than the models themselves is how humans interpret them.

Given Altman and OpenAI’s dedication to creating a useful AGI, I do not doubt that GPT-4 will put the information they gathered from InstructGPT to use and expand upon.

Given that it was only available to OpenAI personnel and English-speaking labelers, they will improve the alignment process. True alignment should involve individuals and groups with various backgrounds and characteristics in terms of gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc. Any progress made in that direction is appreciated, though we should be careful not to refer to it as alignment since most people don’t experience it that way.


Model size: GPT-4 will be slightly larger than GPT-3 but not by much when compared to the largest models currently available (MT-NLG 530B and PaLM 540B). Model size won’t be a defining characteristic.

Ideally, GPT-4 will consume greater processing power than GPT-3. It will apply fresh optimality ideas to scaling rules and parameterization (optimal hyperparameters) (the number of training tokens is as important as model size).

Multimodality: The GPT-4 model will solely use text (not multimodal). Before switching entirely to multimodal models like DALLE, which they believe will eventually outperform unimodal systems, OpenAI wants to fully utilize language models.

Sparsity: GPT-4 will be a dense model, continuing the trend from GPT-2 and GPT-3 (all parameters will be in use to process any given input). In the future, sparsity will predominate more.

GPT-4 will be more in line with us than GPT-3 in terms of alignment. It will apply the lessons learned from InstructGPT, which was developed with human input. However, there is still a long way to go before AI alignment, so efforts should be carefully considered and not overstated.

Enterprise Data Strategy Roadmap: Which Model to Choose and Follow

Enterprise Data Strategy Roadmap: Which Model to Choose and Follow

Enterprise sata strategy roadmap

Data Strategy Roadmap

A Data Strategy roadmap is a step-by-step plan for transforming a company from its existing condition to the desired business organization. It is a more extensive, researched version of the Data Strategy that specifies when and how certain improvements to develop and upgrade a business’s data processes should be implemented. A Data Strategy roadmap can help an organization’s processes align with its targeted business goals.

A good roadmap will align the many solutions utilized to update an organization and assist in the establishment of a solid corporate foundation.

The removal of chaos and confusion is a big benefit of having a Data Strategy plan. During the change process, time, money, and resources will be saved. The roadmap can also be utilized as a tool for communicating plans to stakeholders, personnel, and management. A decent road map should include the following items:


  • Specific objectives: A list of what should be completed by the end of this project.
  • The people: A breakdown of who will be in charge of each step of the process.
  • Timeline: A plan for completing each phase or project. There should be an understanding of what comes first.
  • The funding required for each phase of the Data Strategy.
  • The software: A description of the software required to meet the precise goals outlined in the Data Strategy roadmap.

Why Do You Need a Data Strategy Roadmap?

It’s nearly hard to arrive at your end goal if you don’t know where you’re going. Creating a data strategy can assist in breaking down the huge picture into manageable parts. With a roadmap in hand, you’ll always know how far you’ve progressed and whether you’re on schedule.

When developing a data strategy, it is critical to consider all areas of implementation. If you try the monolithic method, you will quickly run out of steam. It’s a good idea to prepare a detailed plan including everything from the project’s scope to its cost before you start any data-related projects.

A data strategy roadmap will allow you to explain to stakeholders and management what you anticipate to achieve. It will also serve as a convenient reference point for any future data initiatives.

Roadmaps can help you envision your approach and keep your entire organization focused on your objectives. Implementing a modern data and analytics platform will improve your organization’s data-driven decision-making process and can assist in transforming big data from a buzzword to a valuable business asset. Just getting started requires a solid understanding of your organization’s goals and the resources needed to achieve them.

Other components of the Data Strategy Roadmap include:


  • The Business Case – Create a business case for implementing a data strategy.
  • Data Governance Strategy – Create an efficient governance system for managing data assets.
  • Data Management Strategy – Determine the resources required to manage the data.
  • Data Quality Assurance Plan – Define best practices for maintaining high data standards for accurate reporting.
  • Plan for Data Analytics – Create a procedure for analyzing data to support decision-making.

Case Study In Business

One of the most important aspects of a data strategy roadmap is defining the business case for a contemporary data platform. The following elements should be included in your business case:


  • What issue does a contemporary data platform address?
  • Are there any extra charges related with the data platform?
  • How much does the total cost of ownership (TCO) cost?
  • What is the expected return on investment (ROI)?
  • What is the deployment timeline?
  • Do we have enough money to finish the project?

Plan For Data Goverance

A solid data governance strategy serves as the foundation for a strong data strategy. You should create a structure for managing your organization’s data assets. You’ll also need to define roles and responsibilities, determine who owns what data, locate the data, and develop policies and procedures for accessing and using the data.

The following aspects should be included in a strong data governance plan:


  • Roles and responsibilities – Explain who will have access to the data, how they will access it, and who will supervise their activities.
  • Data asset ownership – Determine who owns each piece of data and how it will be utilized.
  • Data location – Specify where the data will remain and how it will be accessed.

Plan For Data Management

After you’ve chosen the breadth of your data strategy and the sorts of data you’ll employ, you must select how you’ll manage the data. The data management plan specifies the tools and processes to be used in data management. The following are some important concerns:


  • Data management resources – Make a list of the resources needed to manage the data. Hardware, software, people, and training may all be included.
  • Data classification – Determine the various sorts of data that will be stored. Structured data, such as financial records, and unstructured data, such as emails and text documents, are two examples.
  • Storage options – Select the storage option that best meets your requirements.

Plan For Data Quality Assurance

The data quality assurance strategy specifies the methods and mechanisms that will be utilized to guarantee that the data fulfills your requirements. The following elements are included in a data quality assurance plan:


  • Requirements identification – Describe the standards that must be met before the data can be shared.
  • Metrics definition – Define the metrics that will be used to assess the performance of the data quality program.
  • Data testing methodology – Outline the data testing process.
  • Reporting of results – Report the test results.
  • Process monitoring entails tracking the progress of the data quality program and reporting back to stakeholders.

Plan For Data Analysis

The analytical approaches used to analyze the data are detailed in the data analytics plan. The aspects of an analytics plan are as follows:


  • Process and approach — Your analytical process, from prioritizing to guided navigation to self-service analytics.
  • Data preparation – Describe the actions taken prior to evaluating the data.
  • Define the scenarios that will drive the analytical methodologies using use cases.
  • Describe the business rules and data models that have been applied to the data.
  • Presentation – Explain how the analytics presentation will be used internally and externally.

In conclusion

A data strategy is a plan that describes how businesses will use data to achieve specified business goals. It establishes expectations and provides a clear sense of direction. Creating a data strategy roadmap is a useful tool for assisting with strategy implementation.

Having these expectations outlined in a roadmap engages the entire organization in the journey. This is important for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is that data consumers fully understand the cultural transformation required to become a data-informed organization.