System Integration

System integration. Moments that everyone should learn


In this article, we want to talk about when the integration process will come in handy for you and how it will be useful. We wanted to help you identify your needs so that you could weigh all the pros and cons before the work begins.

Over time, it is time for every enterprise to expand, and this applies not only to the number of workplaces but also when there is a need to integrate the technologies that were used. In other words, your business has outgrown your software. This is where System Integration comes in.

Next, we will consider what are the solutions of System Integration, the steps and why it is needed in general.

Definition of system integration and what result it gives

System integration is the unification of all components and subsystems into a single system in such a way that the system will be able to provide common functionality.

As a result, you receive:

– Data reliability and accuracy will be ensured;

– Better performance of all systems;

– Instant analytical solutions;

– A cheap option for performing works;


Common integration services for various business areas

Legacy system integration

By an outdated system, we mean outdated computer or hardware that the company uses, but it no longer allows productivity growth. Applying this integration process, new, modern applications are added. For their part, they will help establish communication channels with newer systems. From this, the productivity of the company’s root will only increase.

Enterprise application integration (EAI)

Enterprise application integration is the technology that brings together multiple applications used in the same organization into a single process and implements data format conversion between them. As companies implement more and more applications for their activities, there is a need to combine them with each other. The applications themselves contain a large amount of information alone. With the help of integration, applications will enter into one system chain so that data is exchanged between them around the clock.

Third-party system integration

It’s easier here. Your company is planning to add a new product to the system, but there is a lack of time and money. Therefore, it borrows an existing system or application (usually by agreement with a third party, a development company) and integrates the novelty itself.

B2B integration

Thanks to the automation of the main business processes, this integration will give the flexibility to communicate with each other to several companies. That is, B2B is the direct integration of several businesses of different companies into one established data transfer mechanism.

Step-by-step preparation for system integration

Every company wants to modernize their systems and at the same time make the right investment. But you need to understand that sometimes you can’t do without the necessary tactics. Let’s take a closer look at the stages of preparation for integration or system migration.

  • Analysis of the planned project
  • Simulated architecture
  • System testing
  • Diagnostics


These four stages are more or less familiar to us, but in addition let’s talk about the stages of Simulated architecture. Here are some possible models.


Point-to-point integration, or P2P integration, involves using special code to connect two applications. Multiple technologies can be used to write code, which means your team can build a network of point-to-point integration using different programming languages.

The hub and spoke model refers to a distribution method in which there is a centralized hub. Everything either comes into the center or is sent to the center for distribution to consumers. From the center, data are routed to smaller company-owned locations called “spokes” for next processing and distribution.

An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is essentially an architecture. It is a set of rules and principles for integrating multiple applications together through a bus infrastructure. ESB products allow users to create this type of architecture, but differ in the way they do it and the capabilities they offer.

Here we tried to explain how and which model works, but these models may not be the only solution to the problem. I would like to add two additional platform-related processes that you may encounter during integration.

Additional options for how to integrate the system

If these architectures (which we described above) did not suit you as a solution, for example, due to the complexity of your software. Let’s look at cloud platforms with two options for deploying integrations using them.


Integration platforms (iPaaS) are created to support cloud solutions/systems. The iPaaS solution is designed to manage integration from cloud applications. Integration platforms (iPaaS) are created to support cloud systems. The iPaaS solution is designed to manage integration from cloud applications. That is, this platform combines information into a single service, and users get access through the main page/login. Applications can be scattered across cloud storage, and Ipaas will give them the flexibility to communicate with each other. The solution is suitable for applications that will work around the clock and also simultaneously includes various models of integration solutions. This integration platform provides a number of opportunities with the help of which you can build good complex solutions with minimal time costs. The only known downside is security due to public access to the cloud.

Hybrid integration platform

This platform is more convenient than the previous one because it allows local solutions to be easily and safely integrated with cloud applications. This enables companies to accelerate innovation, increase efficiency and reduce all risk factors during integration. Includes user support at various levels, automates routine processes. The platform also provides communication between legacy programs that run even on physical hardware. Communication between programs and databases in confidential clouds and systems operating in publicly available ones. Supports communication with any systems, even with normal configurations. There is a high level of security here, while the systems are outdated. This HIP will help you to combine local and cloud solutions in the company.


Today, there are many global system integrators and companies that provide planning, design, implementation, and project management of solutions that meet the business and technology needs of their customers. And their main advantage is that they have a system integrator.

What is a systems integrator?

It can be not only a person but also a system integrator company. With the help of the services of such a person or company, you get a guarantee that all your systems will work smoothly during the integration. It can be a software integrator, a control system integrator, or even a remote system integrator, depending on your need. They can perform various tasks because they have the necessary experience and resources. You do not waste your time, but hire a qualified team that will control the entire process and performs the integration with the lowest risks. System integration is a long process for every company, so company integrators will familiarize you with the integration process in advance, conduct system integration testing, and also provide support at various levels while working with them.